This example prints information about the specified cluster. It may not work for new workspaces, will be less reliable, and will exhibit lower performance than per-workspace URLs. Do not use the deprecated regional URL starting with. In the following examples, replace adb-1234567890123456.7. with the workspace URL of your Azure Databricks deployment. If you use curl, you can specify -get (or -G) and -data (or -d) along with the query string you do not need to surround the URL or the query string in quotes.

While most API calls require that you specify a JSON body, for GET calls you can specify a query string by appending it after ? and surrounding the URL in quotes. This section provides specific information about using curl to invoke the Databricks REST API. Use curl to invoke the Databricks REST APIĬurl is a popular tool for transferring data to and from servers. Some STRING fields (which contain error and descriptive messaging intended to be consumed by the UI) are unstructured, and you should not depend on the format of these fields in programmatic workflows. Your programmatic workflows must be aware of these additions and ignore unknown fields. However, the API might add new fields to the JSON output without incrementing the API version. Responses for the same API version will not remove any field from the JSON output. This example lists the names and IDs of available clusters in the specified workspace. For more information on jq, see the jq Manual. You can install jq on Linux through jq Releases, on macOS using Homebrew with brew install jq, or on Windows using Chocolatey with choco install jq. Databricks recommends the utility jq for parsing JSON. It can be useful to parse out parts of the JSON output. Requests that exceed the rate limit return a 429 response status code.įor information on rate limits for API requests, see API rate limits.

Limits are set per endpoint and per workspace to ensure fair usage and high availability. To ensure high quality of service under heavy load, Databricks enforces rate limits for all REST API calls. For examples, see Use an Azure AD access token for a user and Use an Azure AD access token for a service principal.įor API examples, see API examples.